Anchored navigation
We propose two novel map navigation techniques, called Anchored Zoom (AZ) and Anchored Zoom and Tilt (AZT). In these techniques, the zooming and tilting of a virtual camera are automatically coupled with users’ panning displacements so that the anchor point determined by users always remains in a viewport. This allows users to manipulate a viewport without mode-switching among pan, zoom, and tilt while maintaining a sense of distance and direction from the anchor point. We conducted an experiment to evaluate AZ and AZT and compare them with Pan & Zoom (PZ) [17] and Speed-dependent Automatic Zooming (SDAZ) [10] in off-screen target acquisition tasks and spatial recognition tests. Results showed that our proposed techniques were more effective than those of competitors in reducing time to reach off-screen objects while maintaining users’ sense of distance and direction as well as PZ. (Graphics Interface 2010)

Kazuyuki Fujita, Kazuki Takashima, Takayuki Tsukitani, Yuichi Itoh, Yoshifumi Kitamura, and Fumio Kishino. Anchored navigation: coupling panning operation with zooming and tilting based on the anchor point on a map, In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2010 (GI ’10), pp. 233-240, May 2010. [PDF]
藤田和之, 高嶋和毅, 築谷喬之, 朝日元生,北村喜文, 岸野文郎. 複数のカメラ操作
を連動させる地図ナビゲーション手法の提案, イ ンタラクシ ョン2009論文集, pp.97-104, Mar. 2009. [PDF]