CamCutter is a cross-device interaction technique enabling a user to quickly select and share an application running on another screen using the camera of a handheld device. CamCutter is suitable for ad-hoc meetings and collaborative work situations because it enables easy, quick and convenient information sharing compared to traditional methods.
An example of ad hoc application sharing using CamCutter
- (a) Taking a picture of the application on the display with the camera
- (b) Sharing the captured application with nearby people
- (c) 3D modeling
- (d) Interacting with the large display

- 萩原 拓真, 高嶋 和毅, モルテン フィールド, 北村 喜文, モバイルカメラを用いたデバイス間アドホックアプリケーション共有,
情報処理学会シンポジウムインタラクション論文集, pp.1-9, 2017年1月.