Large interactive tabletops are beneficial for various tasks involving exploration and visualization, but regions of the screen far from users can be difficult to reach. We propose AdapTable; a concept and prototype of a flexible multidisplay tabletop that can physically reconfigure its layout allowing for interaction with difficult-to-reach regions. We conducted a design study where we found users preferred to change screen layouts for full-screen interaction, motivated by reduced physical demands and frustration. We then prototyped AdapTable using four actuated tabletop displays each propelled by a mobile robot, and a touch menu was chosen to control the layout. Finally, we conducted a user study to evaluate how well AdapTable addresses the reaching problem compared with a conventional panning technique. Our findings show that AdapTable provides a more efficient method for complex full-screen interaction.

- Yoshiki Kudo, Kazuki Takashima, Morten Fjeld, Yoshifumi Kitamura, AdapTable: Extending Reach over Large Tabletops through Flexible Multi-Display Configuration, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 2018, Dec.
- 工藤 義礎,高嶋 和毅,モルテン フィールド,北村 喜文,自動変形可能なタイル型デジタルテーブルを用いたユーザのリーチ拡張に関する検討,情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2018,P125-134,2018