MovemenTable: Constructing Flexible and Dynamic Space using a Self-propelled Digital Table
Tables have been used for platform in social activities. Recently, many researchers have developed interactive digital tables that integrate an interactive display environment and classical table, and designed interactions using these tables. However, the tables are far from changing its position relatively to its users, to enrich interaction and to provide different interactions based on users spatial behavior because the tables are statically located in space. We present autonomous moving digital table which can change its position according to users’ spatial behavior to provide comfortable and efficient environment. We implement a self-propelled digital table which can autonomously move and rotate. And we investigate social interaction and applications by using the self-propelled digital table.
We present interaction by the table’s locomotion and visual content according to proxemics.
- Providing conversation space centered table
- Changing conversation space to situation accordingly
- Locomotion and visual content according to users’ proxemics

- Takashima, Yusuke Asari, Hitomi Yokoyama, Ehud Sharlin, Yoshifumi Kitamura,MovemenTable: The Design of Moving Interactive Tabletops,
Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015, pp. 296-314, September 2015. [PDF]
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