
Room-scale VR is a highly immersive experience where users can freely move around the virtual environment (VE) by actually walking within a play area, which is reported as providing a high sense of presence and spatial recognition. Yet the problem is that exploring large virtual environments is limited by the physical play area. To deal with this, many studies have considered redirection methodologies that imperceptibly manipulate the user’s translational distance or direction in VR by constantly applying a gain while the user is walking. In this study, we propose RedirectedDoors, a novel redirection technique that manipulates the user’s orientation during door-opening motions. A main characteristic of this technique is that the user’s door-opening angle is coupled with the system’s rotational manipulation of the entire VE at a specific ratio (i.e., gain) around the axis of the door hinge. Door opening is a routine daily action possibly compatible with many VR applications. From the results of user study, our technique showed a higher space efficiency of redirection.



  • Yukai Hoshikawa, Kazuyuki Fujita, Kazuki Takashima, Morten Fjeld, and Yoshifumi Kitamura. RedirectedDoors: Redirection While Opening Doors in Virtual Reality. Proc. 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2022), pp. 464-473, March 2022. Honorable Mention Best Paper Award.
  • Yukai Hoshikawa, Kazuyuki Fujita, Kazuki Takashima, Morten Fjeld, Yoshifumi Kitamura. Demonstration of RedirectedDoors: Manipulating User’s Orientation while Opening Doors in Virtual Reality, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 XR, Article 6, page.1-2, December 2022.


  • 星川結海, 藤田和之, 高嶋和毅, 北村喜文, VRにおける開扉時の視触覚を用いたリダイレクション手法の提案, 第26回⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論⽂集, pp. 2B3-7, 2021年9月.