March 19, 2021

Mr. Kumpei Ogawa received the Dean of Engineering Award.

March 10-12, 2021

Mr. Isamu Endo and Mr. Aoi Suzuki demonstrated their work at Interaction 2021 (Symposium on Information Processing Society of Japan) held online, and Mr. Isamu Endo received Interactive Presentation Award (Program Committee Recommendation).

March 8, 2021

Oral examination of bachelor thesis was held in hybrid style(seminar room + online), and Mr. Kumpei Ogawa, Mr. Tatsuki Takano and Mr. Yukai Hoshikawa made an oral presentation.

January 20, 2021

Three papers are accepted in proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2021).

These papers was presented at CHI 2021 in May.