December 19, 2019

Prof. Yoshifumi Kitamura gave a Keynote Talk at 6th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, on December 19, 2019.

November 17 – 20, 2019

Mr. Daigo Hayashi and Mr. Pascal Chiu demonstrated their work in XR program, and Mr. Lin feng Chen demonstrated his work in Emerging Technologies program at Siggraph Asia 2019 (ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia)

Assistant Prof. Kazuyuki Fujita received Best Demo Voted by Committee of Emerging Technologies.

October 29, 2019

We held research meeting with Smart Robots Design Laboratory of Department of Robotics.

October 20 – 23, 2019

Mr. Ryotaro Temma made an oral presentation and Ms. Xiyue Wang made a poster presentation at UIST 2019 (32nd ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium)

October 12 – 13, 2019

We were planning to hold an open lab on the same day of “Open RIEC 2019” but it was canceled due to a typhoon.

September 11-13, 2019

Ms. Yuki Onishi and Mr. Isamu Endo made an oral presentation and a poster presentation, and demonstrate their work at The 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan.

Mr. Jiawei Huang made an oral presentation about his work at ICAT-EGVE 2019 (International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments).

Our students team participated in a preliminary contest of International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) and made it to the finals. Mr. Shotaro Ichikawa and Mr. Aoi Suzuki made an oral presentation and a poster presentation about the work in the conference.

September 2-5, 2019

Mr. Akiyuki Ebi made an oral presentation at Human Interface 2019.

  • 海老晃行,陳林峰,高嶋和毅,藤田和之,北村喜文: ドローン操縦時の空間把握のための操縦状況に連携した副ドローンカメラ自動配置手法

August 30, 2019

Prof. Nobuyuki Sakai at Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University gave us a talk.

July 30-31, 2019

We demonstrated our work at the Open Campus of the Department of Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering, School of Engineering, Tohoku University.

July 25, 2019

B4 students read and presented paper respectively as a part of the curriculum-based training.